Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Environmental Review Receipt Results
The PNDI Project Environmental Review Receipt lists the search results for the four jurisdictional agencies: PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, PA Game Commission, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. There are four possible results for each agency: No Known Impact, Potential Impact, Avoidance Measure or Conservation Measures. Projects will have different results depending on the search area, the project type, and the species and communities located in the area, therefore it is important to read each section of the ER Receipt.
No Known Impact
There are no potential impacts anticipated with special concern species or resources in the project area. No further coordination is required with PNDI jurisdictional agency within two years of the Receipt date unless project plans change.
If the search result for all four agencies is ‘No Known Impact’, no further coordination is required with the jurisdictional agencies. Print the receipt and send it to DEP for permit applications or for use for environmental assessments.
Potential Impact
There are potential impacts anticipated with threatened and endangered and/or special concern species and resources in the project area. The applicant must consult with the jurisdictional agency/agencies listed with Potential Impacts on the receipt for further review of the project. Please send the information requested on the receipt to the agency/agencies noted. The applicant will receive recommendation or clearance letters from the agency/agencies. If the search was conducted for a DEP permit, read the section below.
DEP instructions for projects with Potential Impacts
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires that a signed copy of the receipt, along with any required documentation from jurisdictional agencies concerning resolution of potential impacts, be submitted with applications for permits requiring PNDI review. For cases where a "Potential Impact" to threatened and endangered species has been identified before the application has been submitted to DEP, the application should not be submitted until the impact has been resolved. For cases where “Potential Impact” to special concern species and resources has been identified before the application has been submitted, the application should be submitted to DEP along with the PNDI receipt, a completed PNDI form and a U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle map with the project boundaries delineated on the map. The PNDI Receipt should also be submitted to the appropriate agency according to directions on the PNDI Receipt. DEP and the jurisdictional agency will work together to resolve the potential impact(s). The DEP PNDI Policy is available on the Help>Resources page.
Avoidance Measure
There are special concern species or resources in the vicinity of the project area that could be impacted by the project. Avoidance Measures are intended to reduce the need for further coordination with Jurisdictional Agencies on projects that could be “No Known Impact” if the Avoidance Measures are carried out. If the Receipt lists Avoidance Measures, the PNDI review is not complete or satisfied until the applicant has signed indicating they can and will fulfill the Avoidance Measures for that project. If an Avoidance Measure cannot be met or if the applicant chooses not to fulfill it, the project is treated as a “Potential Impact” and must be sent to the Jurisdictional Agency indicated for further review. In the latter case, a clearance or recommendation letter will be required from the jurisdictional agency/agencies indicated, along with the PNDI Receipt, for submission with DEP permit applications.
Both Potential Impacts and Avoidance Measures may occur for the same project with different Jurisdictional Agencies. If there is an Avoidance Measure for one Jurisdictional Agency and a Potential Impact listed for a different agency, then the Avoidance Measure must be signed (if the measure can be fulfilled) and the project should be forwarded to the other Jurisdictional Agency/Agencies for clearance or recommendation letters.
Conservation Measure
There are special concern species and resources in the project area that may be impacted by the project, but the impacts could be minimized if certain measures were incorporated. Conservation Measures are suggestions meant to reduce further impact to the special concern species or resource in the vicinity of the project or to protect special concern species or resources that currently lack legal protection. If the Receipt contains a Conservation Measure, that measure can be pursued at the discretion of the DEP program based on their knowledge of the project and site. Conservation Measures are strongly recommended by the Jurisdictional Agencies but are not required.