The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program regularly updates species occurrences in the Conservation Explorer. These updates ensure the Explorer is using the most current data available for conservation information. Some reasons for changes include:
- A species being newly listed by an agency or newly proposed for listing
- An occurrence of a currently-listed species that previously did not have any confirmed populations
- A species being newly delisted, no longer proposed for listing, or proposed for delisting by an agency
The tables below provide a summary of changes as of December 1, 2024. Additional information on species status definitions can be found here. Please email if you have further questions.
December 1, 2024 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Status |
Creaserinus fodiens | Digger Crayfish | PFBC | Endangered |
Acer - (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus spp. - Ulmus americana Swamp Forest | Maple - Ash - Elm Swamp | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Cornus sericea - Cornus amomum - Aronia melanocarpa - Viburnum lentago Fen | Alder-leaved Buckthorn - Inland Sedge - Golden Ragwort Shrub Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Picea mariana / (Vaccinium corymbosum, Gaylussacia baccata) / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Woodland | Black Spruce - Tamarack Peatland | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Vaccinium corymbosum / Sphagnum spp. Acidic Peatland | Highbush Blueberry - Sphagnum Wetland | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Carex prairea - Carex stricta - Pycnanthemum virginianum Fen | Prairie Sedge - Tussock Sedge Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Juniperus virginiana / Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex flava - Carex tetanica Fen | Pasture Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Acer saccharum - Tilia americana / Acer pensylvanicum / Caulophyllum thalictroides Forest | Rich Northern Hardwood Forest | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Status Changes
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Laterallus jamaicensis | Black Rail | PGC | Listed as Pennsylvania Threatened, No records in Environmental Review |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Accipiter gentilis | American Goshawk | PGC | Accipiter atricapillus |
Glaucopsyche lygdamus | Silvery Blue | DCNR | Glaucopsyche lygdamus lygdamus |
May 8, 2024 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Status |
Decodon verticillatus Shrub Swamp | Swamp-loosestrife Shrub Swamp | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Chamaedaphne calyculata - (Gaylussacia dumosa) - Decodon verticillatus / Woodwardia virginica Acidic Peatland | Southern New England Poor Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Sphagnum rubellum - Vaccinium oxycoccos Fen | Oligotrophic Peatland Moss Lawn | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Magnolia virginiana / Viburnum nudum var. nudum / Osmunda cinnamomea Swamp Forest | Southern Red Maple - Blackgum Swamp Forest | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Schoenoplectus (tabernaemontani, acutus) Eastern Marsh | Eastern Bulrush Deepwater Marsh | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Picea rubens - (Tsuga canadensis) / Rhododendron maximum Swamp Forest | Swamp Forest - Bog (Spruce Type) | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Juniperus virginiana / Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex flava - Carex tetanica Fen | Pasture Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Acer (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana / Boehmeria cylindrica Floodplain Forest | Northern Piedmont-Central Appalachian Maple - Ash Swamp Forest | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Carex utriculata - Carex lacustris / Sphagnum spp. Fen | Central Appalachian Montane Sedge Poor Fen | DCNR | Resource of Special Concern |
Syngrapha epigaea | Epigaea Looper Moth | DCNR | Species of Special Concern |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Threespine stickleback | PFBC |
Culaea inconstans | Brook stickleback | PFBC |
Lampetra aepyptera | Least brook lamprey | PFBC |
Status Changes
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Creaserinus fodiens | Digger crayfish | PFBC | Listed as Pennsylvania Endangered, No records in Environmental Review |
Fusconaia subrotunda | Longsolid | PFBC | Listed as Pennsylvania Threatened |
Ameiurus melas | Black bullhead | PFBC | Delisted |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Threespine stickleback | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Culaea inconstans | Brook stickleback | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Lampetra aepyptera | Least brook lamprey | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
October 30, 2023 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Cakile lacustris | Great Lakes Searocket | DCNR | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Threatened | |
Lygodium palmatum | Hartford Fern | DCNR | Species status re-evaluated | Pennsylvania Rare |
Glaucomys sabrinus macrotis | Northern Flying Squirrel | PGC | Update to Glaucomys sabrinus. Subspecies macrotis is currently the only subspecies known in PA. | Species of Special Concern |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency |
Ilex opaca | American Holly | DCNR |
Lactuca hirsuta | Downy Lettuce | DCNR |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak | DCNR |
Monarda punctata | Spotted Bee-balm | DCNR |
Pycnanthemum clinopodioides | Mountain-mint | DCNR |
Rosa virginiana | Virginia Rose | DCNR |
Penstemon canescens | Beard-tongue | DCNR |
Penstemon laevigatus | Beard-tongue | DCNR |
Sagittaria calycina var. calycina | Long-lobe Arrowhead | DCNR |
Bromus nottowayanus | Nottoway Valley Brome | DCNR |
Elymus trachycaulus | Slender Wheatgrass | DCNR |
Status Changes
- Note the classified and reclassified species listed below were already present in the Conservation Explorer.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Actaea podocarpa | Mountain Bugbane | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Ageratina aromatica | Small-Leaved White-Snakeroot | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Aletris farinosa | Colic-Root | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Andropogon gyrans | Elliott’s Beardgrass | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Arabis patens | Spreading Rockcress | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Arnoglossum reniforme | Great Indian Plantain | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Asplenium bradleyi | Bradley’s Spleenwort | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened to Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Asplenium pinnatifidum | Lobed Spleenwort | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Astragalus canadensis | Canadian Milk-vetch | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Bartonia paniculata | Screw-Stem | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Rare |
Bidens bidentoides | Swamp Beggar-Ticks | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Bromus kalmii | Kalm's Brome | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Camassia scilloides | Wild Hyacinth | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex buxbaumii | Brown Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex collinsii | Collins’ Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex longii | Long’s Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex lupuliformis | False Hop Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex paupercula | Bog Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex roanensis | Roan Mountain Sedge | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex schweinitzii | Schweinitz’s Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Carex sterilis | Sterile Sedge | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Castilleja coccinea | Eastern Paintbrush | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Corallorhiza wisteriana | Spring Coral-Root | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Cypripedium reginae | Show Lady’s-Slipper | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Erythronium albidum | White Trout-Lily | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Fraxinus quadrangulata | Blue Ash | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Galium latifolium | Purple Bedstraw | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Gaylussacia brachycera | Box Huckleberry | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Gratiola aurea | Golden Hedge-Hyssop | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Hierochloe hirta | Common Northern Sweet Grass | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Hypericum gymnanthum | Clasping-Leaved St. John’s-Wort | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Juncus biflorus | Grass-Leaved Rush | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Lorinseria areolata | Netted Chain Fern | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Rare under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Lysimachia hybrida | Lance-Leaved Loosestrife | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Lythrum alatum | Winged Loosestrife | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Marshallia pulchra | Beautiful Barbara's buttons | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Passiflora lutea | Passion-Flower | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered to Pennsylvania Threatened |
Platanthera ciliaris | Yellow Fringed-orchid | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Ranunculus ambigens | Water-Plantain Spearwort | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Salix candida | Hoary Willow | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Solidago roanensis | Mountain Goldenrod | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Spiraea corymbosa | Dwarf Spiraea | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Stellaria borealis | Northern Stitchwort | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Thalictrum coriaceum | Thick-Leaved Meadow-Rue | DCNR | Reclassified as Pennsylvania Threatened under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Trifolium stoloniferum | Running Buffalo Clover | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Viola glaberrima | Wedge-leaved violet | DCNR | Classified as Pennsylvania Endangered under the Conservation of Pennsylvania Native Wild Plants |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Circus cyaneus | Northern Harrier | PGC | Circus hudsonius |
Cistothorus platensis | Sedge Wren | PGC | Cistothorus stellaris |
Bottomland Oak - Hardwood Palustrine Forest | Oak - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | DCNR | Oak - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest |
Villosa iris | Rainbow | PFBC | Cambarunio iris |
March 31, 2023 Updates
Status Changes
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Myotis septentrionalis | Northern long-eared bat | USFWS | Reclassified as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act |
Fusconaia subrotunda | Longsolid | USFWS | Listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act |
Obovaria subrotunda | Round hickorynut | USFWS | Listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act |
February 12, 2023 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Arabis adpressipilis | Hairy Rockcress | DCNR | Taxonomic Update from Arabis hirsuta | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Endangered |
Arabis pycnocarpa | Cream-flower Rockcress | DCNR | Taxonomic Update from Arabis hirsuta | Species of Special Concern |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | DCNR | Possibly Extirpated |
Arabis hirsuta | Western Hairy Rock-cress | DCNR | Taxonomic Update/Split to Arabis adpressipilis and Arabis pycnocarpa |
Pycnanthemum torreyi | Torrey's Mountain-mint | DCNR | Record was re-determined to Pycnanthemum verticillatum |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Lithospermum caroliniense | Hisped Gromwell | DCNR | Lithospermum croceum |
Iris verna | Dwarf Iris | DCNR | Iris verna var. smalliana |
Juncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. nodulosus | Richardson's Rush | DCNR | Juncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. americanus |
Uvularia pudica | Mountain Bellwort | DCNR | Uvularia puberula |
Panicum longifolium | Long-leaf Panic-grass | DCNR | Coleataenia longifolia ssp. longifolia |
Heteranthera multiflora | Multiflowered Mud-plantain | DCNR | Heteranthera pauciflora |
August 29, 2022 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Monarda punctata | Spotted Bee-balm | DCNR | New occurrence of species found | Endangered |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Alnus viridis | Mountain Alder | DCNR | Alnus crispa |
Dichanthelium oligosanthes | Scribner's Panicgrass | DCNR | Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribnerianum |
Listera australis | Southern Twayblade | DCNR | Neottia bifolia |
Listera cordata | Heart-leaved Twayblade | DCNR | Neottia cordata |
Listera smallii | Kidney-leaved Twayblade | DCNR | Neottia smallii |
April 18, 2022 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Galactia regularis | Eastern Milk-pea | DCNR | New occurrence of extirpated species found | Extirpated; Proposed Endangered |
Viola glaberrima (Viola tripartita) | Wedge-leaved Violet | DCNR | Populations of Viola glaberrima were previously attributed to Viola tripartita | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Endangered |
Ophioglossum pusillum | Northern Adder's-tongue | DCNR | Populations of Ophioglossum pusillum were previously attributed to another species | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Endangered |
Status Changes
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Trifolium stoloniferum | Running Buffalo Clover | USFWS | Delisted |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Woodwardia areolata | Netted Chainfern | DCNR | Lorinseria areolata |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Gaultheria hispidula | Creeping Snowberry | DCNR | State rank upgraded to S4 |
Senna marilandica | Wild Senna | DCNR | |
Ribes missouriense | Missouri Gooseberry | DCNR | Now considered exotic in PA. |
Carex crawfordii | Crawford's Sedge | DCNR | PA nativity uncertain. |
Carex shortiana | Sedge | DCNR | State rank upgraded to S4 |
November 21, 2021 Updates
Status Changes
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | PGC | Removed from the PGC list of Pennsylvania Threatened species |
Accipiter gentilis | Northern Goshawk | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Chaetaglaea tremula | Trembling Sallow Moth | DCNR | Chaetaglaea rhonda |
August 17, 2021 Updates
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Arnica acaulis | Leopard's Bane | DCNR | Occurrence is more than 50 years old |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Carex magellanica (Carex paupercula) | Bog Sedge | DCNR | Carex paupercula |
Dichanthelium commonsianum var. euchlamydeum | Cloaked Panic Grass | DCNR | Dichanthelium commonsianum |
April 1, 2021 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Bartonia paniculata ssp. paniculata | Screw-stem | DCNR | Reattributed as new subspecies from existing Bartonia paniculata records | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Rare |
Hierochloe hirta | Common Northern Sweet Grass | DCNR | Reattributed as new species from existing Hierochloe hirta ssp. arctica records | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Endangered |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Spiraea betulifolia var. corymbosa | Dwarf Spiraea | DCNR | Spiraea corymbosa |
November 16, 2020 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Marshallia pulchra | Beautiful Barbara’s Buttons | DCNR | Reattributed as new species from existing Marshallia grandiflora records | Species of Special Concern; Proposed Endangered |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Marshallia grandiflora | Large-flowered Marshallia | DCNR | Records reattributed as Marshallia pulchra |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
Celastrina neglectamajor | Appalachian Azure | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
June 15, 2020 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Ethmia zelleriella | Zeller's Glass Miner Moth | DCNR | New record for this species | Species of Special Concern |
Nemoria tuscarora | Tuscarora Emerald Moth | DCNR | New record for this species | Species of Special Concern |
Papaipema eupatorii | Joe-Pye Weed Borer Moth | DCNR | Species added to Tracked list | Species of Special Concern |
Papaipema nepheleptena | Turtle Head Borer Moth | DCNR | Species added to Tracked list | Species of Special Concern |
Papaipema rutila | Mayapple Borer Moth | DCNR | Species added to Tracked list | Species of Special Concern |
Zizania palustris | Indian Wild Rice | DCNR | Erie County records were determined to be Z. palustris (not Z. aquatica). | Proposed Pennsylvania Endangered, Species of Special Concern |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Coregonus artedi | Cisco | PFBC | Extirpated from native range in PA |
Chenopodium capitatum | Strawberry Goosefoot | DCNR | Occurrence is more than 50 years old |
Hypagyrtis esther | Esther Moth | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
Artace cribraria | Dot-lined White Moth | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
Sphinx gordius | Apple Sphinx Moth | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
Aplectoides condita | Quivering Dart Moth | DCNR | Moved to Species of Interest |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Itame sp. 1 nr. inextricata | Barrens Itame Moth | DCNR | Macaria exonerata |
Apharetra dentata | Toothed Apharetra Moth | DCNR | Sympistis dentata |
Richia acclivis | Switchgrass Dart Moth | DCNR | Dichagyris acclivis |
January 20, 2020 Updates
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has updated the screening analysis for Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and bog turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii) in the Conservation Explorer. For more information, check the USFWS Pennsylvania Field Office website.
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Cicindela marginipennis | cobblestone tiger beetle | DCNR | Species of Special Concern | |
Dryopteris filix-mas ssp. brittonii | Male Fern | DCNR | Name updated from Dryopteris filix-mas | Under Review, Species of Special Concern |
Sagittaria calycina var. calycina | DCNR | Record re-determined from Sagittaria calycina var. spongiosa | Under Review, Species of Special Concern | |
Scleria triglomerata | Whip Nutrush | DCNR | New extant record found in 2018 | Proposed Pennsylvania Endangered, Species of Special Concern |
Species Name Changes
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Lota lota | Burbot - Allegheny River population | PFBC | Lota lota pop. 4 |
Opheodrys aestivus | Northern Rough Greensnake | PFBC | Opheodrys aestivus aestivus |
Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis | Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle | USFWS, DCNR | Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis |
Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica | Rabbitsfoot | USFWS, PFBC | Theliderma cylindrica |
August 11, 2019 Updates
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Myotis lucifugus | Little brown bat | PGC | New record of listed species | Pennsylvania Endangered |
Perimyotis subflavus | Tri-colored bat | PGC | New record of listed species | Pennsylvania Endangered |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Baccharis halimifolia | Eastern Baccharis | DCNR | Proposed for delisting; possibly not native |
April 26, 2019 Updates
Species Status Change
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Change |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | PGC | Status Changed from Pennsylvania Endangered to Pennsylvania Threatened |
Charadus melodus | Pipping Plover | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered |
Calidris canutus rufa | Red Knot | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered, No records in Environmental Review |
Myotis septentrionalis | Northern long-eared bat | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered |
Myotis lucifugus | Little brown bat | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered, No records in Environmental Review |
Perimyotis subflavus | Tri-colored bat | PGC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered, No records in Environmental Review |
Opsopoedus emiliae | Pugnose Minnow | PFBC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered, No records in Environmental Review |
Notropis heterolepis | Blacknose Shiner | PFBC | Status Changed to Pennsylvania Endangered |
Enneacanthus obesus | Banded Sunfish | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Erimystax x-punctatus | Gravel Chub | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Umbra limi | Central Mudminnow | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Umbra pygmaea | Eastern Mudminnow | PFBC | Delisted, removed from Environmental Review |
Relevant PA Bulletins: Fish and Boat Commission March 16, 2019 and Pennsylvania Game Commission March 23, 2019
Species Name Change
Old Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | New Name |
Dichanthelium villosissimum var. villosissimum | White-hair Witchgrass | DCNR | Dichanthelium villosissimum |
Cypripedium parviflorum | Southern Small Yellow Lady's-slipper | DCNR | Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum |
Species Added to Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation | Status |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Threatened, Species of Special Concern |
Morus rubra | Red Mulberry | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Threatened, Species of Special Concern |
Polygala incarnata | Pink Milkwort | DCNR | New record of a listed species | Pennsylvania Endangered |
Polygala senega | Seneca Snakeroot | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Threatened, Species of Special Concern |
Actaea rubra | Red Baneberry | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Rare, Species of Special Concern |
Clematis occidentalis | Purple Clematis | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Threatened, Species of Special Concern |
Houstonia canadensis | Fringed Bluets | DCNR | Under consideration for listing | Proposed Pennsylvania Endangered, Species of Special Concern |
Lycopodiella alopecuroides | Foxtail Clubmoss | DCNR | New record of a listed species | Pennsylvania Endangered |
Northern appalachian spruce rocky summit | DCNR | New record of a community of concern | Special Concern Resource | |
Sparsely Vegetated Vernal Pool Community | DCNR | Observed declines | Special Concern Resource |
Species Removed from Environmental Review
Scientific Name | Common Name | Agency | Explanation |
Crataegus pennsylvanica | Red-fruited Hawthorn | DCNR | No extant populations |
Dichanthelium boreale | Panic-grass | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Enneacanthus obesus | Banded Sunfish | PFBC | Delisted by PFBC |
Epilobium palustre | Marsh Willow-herb | DCNR | Prioritized for research |
Erimystax x-punctatus | Gravel Chub | PFBC | Delisted by PFBC |
Eupatorium rotundifolium | A Eupatorium | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Filipendula rubra | Queen-of-the-prairie | DCNR | Prioritized for research |
Hieracium umbellatum | Umbellate Hawkweed | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Isoetes valida | Quillwort | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Isoetes x brittonii | Quillwort | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Pluchea odorata | Shrubby Camphor-weed | DCNR | Prioritized for research |
Rosa blanda | Meadow Rose | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Rubus setosus | Small Bristleberry | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Salix pedicellaris | Bog Willow | DCNR | Prioritized for taxonomic research |
Smallanthus uvedalia | Leaf-cup | DCNR | Not in need of conservation |
Tripsacum dactyloides | Eastern Gamma-grass | DCNR | Under consideration for delisting |
Umbra limi | Central Mudminnow | PFBC | Delisted by PFBC |
Umbra pygmaea | Eastern Mudminnow | PFBC | Delisted by PFBC |
Utricularia radiata | Small Swollen Bladderwort | DCNR | Record redetermined to another species |